And Sew You Move Forward

I don’t fit neatly into a box. I guess if I look back I never really did. But several years ago it struck home when several doctors stood at the end of my bed and said you don’t fit neatly into any box. (I can’t even get sick neatly!) And I still find I don’t really fit neatly into a box. I’m getting old. I’m as old as my parents were when they were really old and yet I don’t always fit the old image. You will often find me wearing a pair of Chucks. And believe me they have not gotten any more comfortable then they were in my 20’s! I don’t own a cardigan and what I would call my “sensible” shoes have fancy Italian names! And even on The Facebook I don’t really fit in. I love to hang on pages where people sew crazy clothing from wild custom fabrics. And I don’t fit neatly there either! I’m not young enough. I don’t drink enough. I certainly don’t swear enough! I’m not covered in awesome and beautiful tattoos (but at least I have one!) They wear their hair in crazy colors (Oh wait, I do too!) see even in our differences we still can find things in common. And we can still encourage and teach one another and thus I sew on…

And sewing becomes fun and playful especially when you have fun fabrics like this. I collect more in more tools. So I can add touches like this…

And as iron sharpens iron so these crazy creative cussing Facebook friends sharpen my sewing skills and inspire me to throw caution to the wind and create things that energize me and make “really old” ladies stop me to tell me they love my outfit!


And Sew You Move Forward!

I’m a irregular blogger

I’m old and I get tired and I long to just sew my days away and the good Lord knows I have enough fabric to keep me occupied for months. So naturally when I saw this pattern I ran out and bought more fabric and sewed it instead.

When Life Gives You Lemons

A year ago I received this diagnosis. When it come up on the radar in July I googled it and the first hit explained that a person with NMO had a life expectancy of 4 years. For me this was a sure sign to stop googling! (This is not true by the way) A month wait to get into to see a NMO specializing neurologist and then a few weeks of appointments and tests and finally the sit down meeting where I was gifted the NMO Patient handbook a few prescriptions and sent on my merry way. Fast forward a year… I am one of the lucky ones.  So far the prevent medication is working and I have not had any new lesions. My body has been afforded time to heal and I have weaned off of a couple meds that have unfortunate side effects. I am back to work (Is this a good thing?) I’m back to not having enough time to sew and I have had a chance to connect with fellow NMO Warriors who deal with the uncertainty of life and the side effects of neurologic injury. I call what I have left nuisance symptoms. Cramps and muscle spasms that appear after a busy day or 3 nights of work in a row, buzzing and tingling throughout my body and stabbing nerve pains. Thankfully these do not occur too often or too severely and I have a pain plan in place which is not the case for all NMO patients.

So a last week I decided to take my NMO t-shirt which was just a man’s traditional T shirt and re-sew it into what I refer to as my Where’s Waldo NMO shirt! The fit is so much better and now I can wear it with pride!